Boris Johnson Appoints New Brexit Minister

Boris Johnson has also appointed Liz Truss, the current foreign minister, as Brexit minister to lead negotiations with the EU. That position was released on Saturday after former Johnson confidant David Frost resigned.
Truss is popular with conservative party members and has been cited as a possible successor to Johnson as party leader.
Johnson is rapidly losing popularity with voters and his own supporters after it was revealed last week that he and his wife were holding a party at the official residence at 10 Downing Street in May 2020. At that time, the United Kingdom was in lockdown and Britons were only allowed two have people around.
Parties would also have been held on Downing Street during the Christmas period in 2020 when that was not allowed under the corona rules.
Johnson said of the May 2020 party that it was a work meeting, but the Guardian published photos showing dozens of guests drinking wine and eating snacks on Sunday. The photos suggest it was a social gathering, not a work meeting.