Japan is Slowly Allowing Tourists Again

As an experiment, Japan will allow small groups of tourists to enter the country via organized tours after travellers were previously banned due to the corona pandemic. Initially, tourists from the United States, Australia, Thailand and Singapore will be allowed to travel to Japan.
Travellers must have health insurance and have had three vaccinations against the virus, according to Japan’s Tourism Bureau.
Until the outbreak of the corona pandemic, tourism was an important pillar of Japan’s economy. After the outbreak of the virus, Japan imposed strict border controls. The rules have already been relaxed slightly to admit students and business travellers. However, individual tourists are still barred, despite calls from the tourism industry to allow travellers back in. Nearly 32 million foreigners visited Japan in the last year before the crisis.
The tour groups allowed to come to Japan will have to submit a travel plan in advance. In addition, the groups will have to be accompanied by staff from a travel agency.
Tokyo wants to allow tourism again later this year, and the plans now serve as a test case. According to local media, preparations are being made to receive more travellers in June. As a result, the daily arrival limit should be doubled to 20,000. Travellers may also be exempted from corona tests on arrival, provided they take a test on departure.