Jury for George Floyd Trial Almost Complete

The jury for the trial against US agents on trial for black detainee George Floyd’s death is nearly complete.
Twelve jury members and two alternates have been selected after thorough screening and questioning. They must judge the question of guilt. The judge wants to appoint one more deputy to take the place of any dropouts.
Floyd was arrested in Minneapolis in May last year for allegedly using a counterfeit $ 20 note. He was pushed to the ground by officers and died after white officer Derek Chauvin had pinched his neck with his knee for nearly 9 minutes. His death sparked a worldwide resurgence of the Black Lives Matter protests against excessive police brutality and racism.
Chauvin, 44, is on trial for murder and manslaughter. The case is scheduled to begin next Monday. The process is expected to take a month. The fired police officer can receive up to 40 years in prison. The jury is a reflection of the people of Minneapolis.
The trial of the three other agents involved, suspected of complicity, will begin on August 23.
Last week it was announced that Floyd’s family would receive $ 27 million from the city of Minneapolis as compensation.