Britain’s Queen Mother Demanded No-Fly Zone to Secure Naps

In the 1990s, the British Queen Mother Elizabeth asked the Air Force to stop flying over her Scottish holiday residence. This way, she could enjoy her afternoon naps in peace, The Times reported on Thursday based on official documents.
The Queen Mother, mother of the current Queen Elizabeth, bought Castle of Mey in Caithness after her husband’s death.
In 1993, when she was 93 years old, she made a formal complaint to Defense during one of her annual visits. The low-flying aircraft of the British Air Force disturbed her sleep, she said.
The Air Force complied with that request and took into account the Queen Mother, who died in 2002 at the age of 101, every time she was in Scotland. In addition, a special no-fly zone was established around the castle.
“While we cannot guarantee that aircraft will not be seen in the vicinity, this should ensure that Her Majesty will not be disturbed,” confirmed Lt. Col. J.J.D. Cox in the disclosed correspondence.