EU and UN Welcome US Return in Paris Climate Agreement

The European Union and the United Nations have responded enthusiastically to US President Joe Biden’s decision to make the US part of the Paris climate agreement again.
Biden signed a decree on Wednesday that will bring the US back into compliance with the goals of the climate agreement to limit global warming.
In a joint statement, Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans and EU foreign chief Josep Borrell said they welcome the US’s return to the Paris Agreement. “We look forward to having the United States back on our side in the lead international efforts to combat the climate crisis, “write Timmermans and Borrell.”
The climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our era and can only be overcome by joining forces. ”
UN chief Antonio Guterres immediately called on Biden to draft an “ambitious” plan to combat global warming. “I welcome President Biden’s steps to rejoin the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and to join the growing coalition of governments, cities, states, businesses and people who are taking ambitious action to combat the climate crisis,” said Guterres.
Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump decided in June 2017 to leave the Paris treaty. As of November 4, 2020, the US was no longer part of the global coalition against global warming.
Trump still maintains that the climate is not warming, but cooling. Biden thinks differently about this and is a strong supporter of combating global warming. In his campaign he pledged to aim for zero CO2 emissions in the US by 2050.