Pfizer is Also Testing Corona Vaccine on Children

Pfizer and BioNTech’s corona vaccine is also being tested on children. On Wednesday, the first test subjects were vaccinated with the drug.
The youngest participants are six months old, Pfizer announced on Thursday.
144 children participate in the first test. The developers want to know whether it can be administered safely and the correct composition of a dose. The next step is to see how the immune system reacts to the drug and how well it protects against the coronavirus. About 4,500 children will participate in these tests.
The research should be completed in the second half of this year.
The vaccine from the American Pfizer and the German BioNTech is currently only intended for people aged 16 and older. Younger children are not yet vaccinated against the coronavirus anyway. The Netherlands should receive nearly 20 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine by the end of the year. Almost 10 million people can be vaccinated with this.
Moderna, the manufacturer of another vaccine, recently began testing the drug on children.