Trump Surprised by Biden’s Choice for Kamala Harris

US President Donald Trump has lashed out at his Democratic opponent in the upcoming election Joe Biden for his choice of Kamala Harris as vice-presidential candidate.
Trump said the choice surprised him. He called Harris “awful.”
Trump said Tuesday that he thinks Harris is the “most awful” member of the US Senate. Trump told journalists that he was not impressed by Harris when she previously competed for the Democratic Party’s nomination as a presidential candidate.
“I was especially surprised because she did so badly,” Trump said of Biden’s choice of Harris as running mate.
Trump described Harris’s criticism of Biden in the Democratic primaries as “dismal, very dismal.” According to Trump, Harris was disrespectful to Biden. “And it’s hard to choose someone so disrespectful,” Trump said.
The president also referred to the senate hearings of Conservative Chief Justice Brett Kavanaugh, then still a candidate for the Supreme Court.
Harris troubled Kavanaugh after stories emerged of sexual misconduct in his college days. Harris was “the meanest, most awful, most disrespectful of anyone in the Senate,” Trump said.
On Twitter, the president posted a campaign spot in which Biden and Harris are fiercely lashed out. In it, Harris is referred to as “the radical left”. “Slow Joe and fake Kamala. Perfect together. Bad for America” can be heard at the end of the so-called ‘attack ad’.