Unilever is Investing More in Vegetable Meat and Dairy Substitutes

Unilever will do more in the coming years to increase sales of vegetable meat substitutes and dairy varieties.
Unilever will announce a new strategy on healthier food and the environmental impact of the food chain, called “Future Foods” on Wednesday.
In doing so, the company has set a target to increase the annual turnover from vegetable meat substitutes and dairy alternatives to 1 billion euros within five to seven years.
Unilever does not want to say how high that turnover is now because this is business-sensitive information, but does say that it is a significant growth that is being pursued.
According to Unilever, the products of De Vegetarian Slager are now sold at more than 20,000 points of sale in thirty countries. According to the company, interest in the brand is high and is therefore looking at further expansion of De Vegetarian Butcher in the world. Recently, the brand can also be found in Asia.
Furthermore, Unilever wants to do more to combat food waste in all its activities, from the factory to shop shelf.
Waste must be halved within five years, for example, by preventing right products from being thrown away and through donations to food banks. Also, Unilever will offer healthier products and work continues to reduce the salt and sugar levels in its foodstuffs.