Jan 6 Panel Sues Trump Confidant Roger Stone

The US House of Representatives panel investigating the January 6 storming of the Capitol has subpoenaed five more people on Monday.
Among them are Roger Stone, a former adviser and longtime friend of ex-President Donald Trump, and Alex Jones, a noted conspiracy theorist and the founder of the infamous conspiracy site InfoWars.
According to the panel, they were involved in the organization and preparations of the march that preceded the storming. Therefore, they have to present witnesses and documents. Earlier this month, six former top advisers to the former president were also subpoenaed.
The panel also called on Dustin Stockton to testify. Stockton is a political activist who is believed to have connections to Steve Bannon, also a former Trump adviser. Bannon himself had been subpoenaed before but refused to testify before a parliamentary committee earlier this month. Justice, therefore, charged him with contempt for parliament. Bannon turned himself into the FBI National Bureau of Investigation last week. He could face up to a year in prison.
Stockton’s fiancé and a Trump spokesman have also been asked to testify.
With the storming, Trump supporters wanted to avoid confirming Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. Several Capitol stormers have already been punished. Justice wants to know if there was a link between the White House and the Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol.